David Warfel is an overly sensitive, marginally materialistic, pseudo-tree-hugging Midwestern farm boy turned lighting designer. He’s been either lucky, talented, or wealthy enough to land design gigs from New York’s Carnegie Hall to the Las Vegas’ Luxor and MGM Grand casinos, from Chicago’s Hyde Park Arts Center and Museum of Science and Industry to residential and hospitality projects in a dozen states, and from schools and churches to multiple Royal Caribbean cruise ships. Judging from the old Honda in his driveway, it isn’t personal wealth.
David finally figured out what to do with his life when he hit his 40’s and bought a foam mattress online. It was so easy to spend thousands without leaving his office that he wondered why you couldn’t get lighting design the same way, so he started Light Can Help You and his team now designs residential and hospitality projects nationwide and beyond.
David’s work and writing have been featured in lots of places that no one could find without Google, like Technology Designer, Fine Homebuilding, Designing Lighting, Lighting & Sound America, Lighting Australia, Lighting Design & Application, Live Design, Theatrical Design & Technology, and on Houzz.com but he is usually reading Inspector Gamache novels or writing whatever comes into his head at languageoflight.blog.
David’s services include:
~Live Education
~Product Reviews
~Lighting Design